
18 mugen characters leona
18  mugen characters leona

18 mugen characters leona

He is a great character and I highly recommend this one.ģ. Specials include a variety of fireballs including one shot from his foot, placing a small flame on the field that serves as a trap, and grabbing his foe for a flame infused beat-down to name a few. He retains K's fire powers, but the flames are blue, hence his name. "Bloo by tutaya" This edit is a fan favorite of sorts. Some of K's sprites are still present in his animations, so he must be late beta, but he is more then playable.Ģ. This edit retains all of K's specials, he doesn't seem to have any hypers. For a time fans believed this is what K' looked like before he was infused with Kyo's DNA, actually he was just a prototype of K', beyond that nothing else is none about him. "Another K' by NAO&M" Another K' actually appeared in the KoF series, making his debut in The King of Fighters 2000, yet he only appeared as a striker for K'. IMPORTANT NOTE : to disable auto-AI and play the character, open the file -3AI.cns in a text editor, find trigger62 = 1 and replace the 1 with a 0.1. Shun'ei (Emperor) : KOF XIV Shun'ei recreated in 2D. Leona Heidern 3D KOFXIV (Jose Cuervo) : znM Joe Higashi 3D (Faber Player &.) : visite o canal la posto varias novidades Ryo Sakazaki 3D KOFXIV (Jose Cuervo) : atch?v=diJs3kYXZ1U

18 mugen characters leona

My patch fixes lots of things and boosts the AI, however due to lack of time and. . But, he is playable and has almost all combos. Shun'Ei UM ("Emperor" edited by.) : Īntonov 3D KOFXIV (sub-boss) (Jose Cuervo &.) : Lacking proper hitsparks, Max Mode, Climax move, EX moves, etc. Ryo Sakazaki 3D (Jose Cuervo | Edit.) : Ryo Sakazaki 3D MugenĪuthor = Jose Cuervo || Edit Fabricio Franco Shun'Ei (Emperor) : Shun'Ei version kof xiv y 2k2 um gameplay effect editor por AnimugenZĭINOKOF (KYO KUSANAGI 2) : Ojo los sprites no son mios,total creditos a su autor, ademas pueden modificarlo a su gusto, ya que algunas cosas no estan terminadas por falta de sprites, asi que disfruten! :very_good: Sylvi Paula Paula (Amnaelio HollowX) : Sylvi Paula Paula version kof xiv + um style um 2k2 Tung XIV (RUN) : Tung XIV VERSION KOF XI + UM 2K2 UM Styl Iori yagami (Asama Mohammed) : (IORI YAGAMI XIV) VERSION KOF XI + UM 2K2 UM StyleĪlice (AMNAELIO, POKET &.) : Alice VERSION KOF XI + UM 2K2 UM Style Joe 3D (jose cuervo) : atch?v=3eDvp_p1DXM&t= 299s K clone (jose cuervo) : atch?v=CCgepKUUCsk&t= 94s Rugal 3D (Jose cuervo) : atch?v=OD3vYymkhFM&t= 116s Terry 3D (jose cuervo) : atch?v=9BUNp1DKmL0 Nakoruru XV 3D (JOSE CUERVO) : atch?v=y_h_1LIO-Qc Athena XV (Jose Cuervo) : Athena Asamiya from KOF XV made for Mugen.

18  mugen characters leona